Rez Rocks is my humble way to spread joy and beauty in this shared experience we call life.
I started Rez Rocks in 2017. It has become my therapy and a way to give back. One difficult day, I found a simple little rock in my backyard. It spoke to me and I found deep meaning. I discovered that rocks aren't merely inanimate objects. Rather with their unique shapes, sizes, colors and vibrations they exude good medicine and healing properties.
As a result of this spiritual experience, I decided to embark on what I call my painted rock ministry. As an artist, I adorn each rock with a unique painted design. I feel that each rock chooses me (and not vice versa) and also conveys to me an image that best suits that particular rock.
Therefore, I've been able to paint with no predetermined destination. I merely listen and the Great Spirit guides the strokes of my paintbrush. This deep spiritual connection allows for and facilitates my personal healing and growth while giving birth to beautiful art.
As I was grieving my 1st miscarrage. I started painting tiny cartoon characters on rocks. I'd then take those rocks to my local park and leave it in a conspicuous location for someone to find. Each Rez Rock is not only my gift to its finder but also to my children in the spirit world. This method of art therapy helped save my mental health.
In 2019, I unfortunately had another miscarrage. I fell into a deep depression. The thought of my spirit children seeing and receiving my tiny gift of a mother's sublime love was the driving force in my creation of Rez Rocks. I carry on my ministry of anonymously disseminating Rez Rocks with beautiful artwork for that primary purpose.
Through Rez Rocks, I also aspire to spread awareness of certain pressing social issues that are important to me. Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) is a cause closest to my heart. Most of my Rez Rocks images relate to MMIP. However, other images are comical and amusing. They are designed to create laughter and levity such as my Native alien piece that I call A.Lee.N. Please check out the Rez Rocks images here on my website.
I always sow my Rez Rocks as I travel. Rez Rocks has made it to 10 States so far with many more on the horizon. You can find my Rez Rocks videos on TikTok. We thank you for your support.
Why I carry on Rez Rocks
I carry on my Healing Ministry of Rez Rocks for many reasons. Among the most important are...
- Mental Heatlh Art Therapy;
- To spread awareness of social issues that are present today;
- To allow a stranger to stumble upon a tiny gift to take home or give to a friend;
- And to remember and honor my spiritual children.
Where do I leave Rez Rocks
I leave Rez Rocks around the town I reside in, and in different towns I visit. I've had help from family and friends as they have taken the duty of leaving Rez Rocks in different states they have visited as well. We have a mission of spreading joy and beauty by leaving a Rez Rock in every state possible. The gift of giving is a never ending joy!